Details for this torrent 

BBC version, NOT DVD.
Video > Music videos
5.13 GB

Michael Jackson Live in Bucharest BBC Dangerous Tour
+0 / -0 (0)

Nov 11, 2011

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This is the REAL Live in Bucharest from BBC.  The DVD is a compilation of the same songs from other tours.  If you want to see how a real Michael Jackson concert would have been this is it. The very end where the Astronaut takes off is cut off but that is the end of the show and it's not even Michael Jackson that takes off anyway, its a stunt man.

I found this version and the quality was not that great so I did my best to clean it up, getting rid of noise and such.  Enjoy!!!


Moved to Music videos.

In the future, when you upload a torrent, I suggest that it would be a good idea to give the torrent posting a title that properly reflects the content of the torrent.
Thanks for the comment. I noticed that right after I posted it but unfortunately I could not edit it :(. I will make sure to double check the title in future postings.
Please Seed the torrent. Stop leeching I am sure other people would be very appreciative of your courtesy if you would help them get this download as well. If you are actually an MJ fan then help other fans get this as well and SEED.
